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Karungali Products

Karungali Products

Karungali Products:

Black ebony also known as Krungali wood is known for Kuladeiva pooja and it attracts wealth and positive energy. It is also used to avoid evil eye.

Karungali Maalai & Bracelet:

The maalai consists of 108 beads, the same is kept in many pooja and temples to enhance the positive vibrations that it already holds.

Bracelet consists of few beads with an elastic string. It is of free size and fits to everyone.

Restrictions to use Karungali:

  1. Avoid while sleeping
  2. Avoid while using restroom
  3. Avoid while eating non vegetarian food
  4. Avoid while visiting any funeral


Karungali Sticks:

We have scale type sticks of Karungali and provide one big stick for Kuladeiva poojai and two small sticks to be carried on purse along with us.

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